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10 Energy Saving Tips for Nerds

Earth day is this Wednesday! Here are some energy saving tips for us nerds!

1. Unplug your appliances when you're not using them! According to, Lots of appliances will continue to draw a small amount of power even when they are shut off! Even leaving battery chargers plugged in will take it's toll. You could use a power strip and shut it to "off" when your appliances aren't in use.

2. Use rechargeable batteries whenever possible.

3. Turn down the temperature on your thermostat and game snuggled in your favorite blanket.

4. If possible, stay away from using your gaming console to stream movies. A study from shows that streaming Netflix and Hulu through your console will use 24-50 times more power to stream from the internet compared to a dedicated service such as Roku or Google Chromecast!

5. Use LED light bulbs.

6. Turn your PC and monitor(s) off when you're not using it. Screen savers aren't enough! if you're not going to be on your computer for the next hour-- shut it down.

7. Research and use sleep modes, auto brightness, and power saving modes on your electronics when possible

8. Don't charge your cellphone overnight. Most phones don't need a full night to charge.

9. Trade in your PC for a Laptop. Laptops use about 25% less power on average than desktop computers.

10. Get rid of your mini fridge and just walk to the main fridge, come on!

Kiki Snell | Design Manager


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