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Bombers with the Blue Bomber

You on board with this nonsense train? Follow along with us as we flail our way through a Hall of Fame classic of our childhood, a pillar of 2D platformer lore, a game that spawned a few dozen sequels (and is itself a sequel), Capcom's Mega Man 2.

This is all about audience participation, so PICK UP YOUR WEAPON, SOLDIER! You'll need a beer/cider/cocktail, a tiny bit of shot-worthy liquor, and a sharp eye for what happens during gameplay. As a twist, you can affect the rules of the game and give us a hard time through your donations. Scroll down for your rules and futher down for our rules.

Bombers with the Bomber Interactive Drinking Game

Player insta-dies (holes, spikes, etc) - drink Player insta-dies within 10 seconds of starting his turn - drink

Player actually dies from damage - finish your drink

Player loses to Bubble Man - take 2 shots

Player uses Metal Blade not against a boss - drink

Matt mentions something is easier or harder than he remembers as a kid - finish your drink

Player defeats a boss - drink

Player defeats a boss entirely with the Mega Buster - finish your drink

Extra Life! - drink (and donate)

Energy Tank! - drink

Player uses Item 1 - drink

Player uses Item 2 - finish your drink

Player uses Item 3 - take a shot

Wily Castle Map Screen! - drink

Player sings/hums along with the game music - take a shot

Player completes entire level including boss without dying - finish your drink

Bombers with the Bomber Donation Game

$5.00 - Player must not use weapons or items throughout the whole level, until the boss

$10.00 - Player must fight a boss using only the Mega Buster

$15.00 - HYPER MODE FOR 15 MINUTES Player insta-dies - Player does 10 pushups Player actually dies from damage - Player does a yoga pose to a count of 15 Player loses to a boss - Player does 15 crunches Player loses to Bubble Man - Player takes 2 shots

$20.00 - Player must complete the level (except for the boss) using only Leaf Shield

$25.00 - Make something up!

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