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Featured Cosplayer: Tickety Boo Trunk

We went and asked this wonderful Disney cosplayer some questions- aside from being a Disney fan, she’s done amazing work, especially for just doing it for two years, and it doesn’t sound like she plans on stopping anytime soon.

1. How did you come up with the name "Tickety-Boo Trunk"?

My thoughts went to two places and I mashed my thoughts together to create one name:

Tickety-Boo has a British origin and essentially means "in good order" or "going smoothly" (at least this is what all of my google searches have told me!).

I used "Trunk" out if nostalgia for the big gray train trunk we kept our costumes in when I was a kid. It was always pretty magical to pull out grandma's old hats, my mom's old dresses, dance costumes, and even some of the fantastic things my mom so lovingly made for me as a kid. I felt it was important to recognize that costumes in one way or another have always been a huge part of my life.

When I think of the name The Tickety-Boo Trunk I think of having a costume trunk with everything that I could ever dream of. It's weird, I know, but it makes sense to me!

2. How did you get started in cosplay?

I am a late bloomer! At this point I think I've only been sewing for maybe 2ish years? I really wish I would have gotten over my fear of sewing much sooner.

I've always loved wearing costumes- starting with dress-up and dance competitions, but working the Renaissance Festival was probably my gateway drug.

I later discovered CostumeCon and CONvergence with friends and I learned about steampunk as well as being impressed by cosplayers who accuracy represented characters and not just historical costumes. I confess I really didn't know conventions existed.

What pushed me over the edge was when my now fiancé asked if I would be the Rapunzel to his Flynn Rider for CON (omg a guy asked me to be a Disney princess!!!) so of course I squee'd like a madwoman and I was determined to make a Rapunzel costume, and that was the day I decided to learn to sew!

3. What is your favorite part of the process?

Does wearing the costume count?!

I really enjoy research. Everything is new to me- learning to gather a puff sleeve, use a rolled hem foot, following or drafting a pattern- it's all new to me! I love learning even if it can be frustrating at times.

4. What is your favorite costume to date?

Hands down its my Rapunzel costume. It was the second piece I had ever built without help. I spent MONTHS researching, planning, looking for fabric, all of it. I am still filled with joy every time I wear it!

5. What is your dream cosplay?

I have a growing list! Right now Cinderella from the live action film is sitting at the top of the list!

6. Where do you see yourself in the future when it comes to cosplay?

I hope to continue to grow in my skills and to have the opportunity to help others to have confidence in learning to be creative.

Keep an eye out for more work from Tickety Boo Trunk on her Facebook Page!


X-Geek presents Cosplay Corner - Visit our Cosplay Corner page to nominate our next feature!

Blogger: Kate of Organized Chaos Costuming Photos: Chase of Nure Carbon Studios


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